Hospital Hill and Whoopdee Mountain Bike Trails
Fire Hazard Closure in Effect as of Midnight August 4, 2017
SDS & Kreps announced the closure of their land as of August 5, 2017 due to fire danger. This means Hospital Hill/Jewett Creek trails and the Whoopdee on the Old Dalles Road are all closed until we get some significant precipitation. Please respect this closure and spread the word.
Here is the announcement…
Local timberland companies are announcing that due to conditions of high fire danger all lands in Klickitat, Skamania, Yakima, Hood River and Wasco Counties will be closed to public entry starting August 5, 2017 until further notice. This closure includes the areas of Burdoin Mountain (aka Hospital Hill) and Underwood Mountain as well as the Whoopdee on the Old Dalles Road in Hood River and affects all lands owned or managed by the following parties: American Forest Management (DGS Timber, LLC), Broughton Lumber Company, Hancock Forest Management (John Hancock Life Insurance and Manulife), Kreps Ranch, Kreps Family LLC, Stevenson Land Company (SDS), and Western Pacific Timber, LLC.