Fire Closure Update for 44 Trails Area

fire map 8/23 update

fire map 8/22 update

Growth of the Government Flats Fire Complex on August 21 is leading to more road/area closures related to the 44 Trails area. Although the decision is not yet final, today’s morning meeting proposes the closure of the FR 44 east of Highway 35 and north to the forest boundary. This closure will effectively close access Knebal Springs, 8-Mile and Surveyors.

The area is experiencing heavy ash and smoke as well (on 8/22), so really, it’s not a good place to try and recreate, regardless of the closure. West winds will help blow smoke out of the area this weekend and should help reduce threat to the 44 Trails area.

The fire has not burned into the trails proper but the risk of it spreading in the area is high given any east wind events.

Here’s a map of the latest fire location. FR 44 runs east/west in the bottom of the image.

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Fire Closures Affect 44 Trails

Aerial view of Government Flats Complex fire

Aerial view of Government Flats Complex fire

Temporary road closures due to the wild fire in Mill Creek (Government Flats Fire Complex) are affecting the 44 trails area.

As per the USFS:Temporary Road and Recreation Area Closure due to Government Flats Fire

The Government Flats fire began to encroach on Forest Service lands Monday, August 19th. To facilitate fire crews and engine traffic the following roads and recreational areas will be temporarily closed as of August 20 until further notice:

Knebal Campground due to the closure on the 1720 Road
1722 (east boundary)
4430 (north of 8 Mile CG)
1720 (posted at both east and west ends)

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