July 15 Work Day Cancelled – Stay tuned for an update to the plan.
Thanks for your support!
Join us for our first trail work day of the season Sunday, June 25.
Bring your bike and a daypack for carrying tools. We can use bikes for quicker access to the work site.
Sunday, Sunday June 25. @ 9 AM
Meet at Little John SnoPark, HWY 35 at 9am. We’ll caravan from the snopark to the work site and access 15-Mile via the Underhill trail #683 off the 44 road.
15 Mile Trail #456 – lopping, brushing, clearing
REQUIRED: Long Pants, Work Boots, Gloves, Day Pack, Water, Bike Helmet
Bring Hand Tools: Loppers, hand saws, metal rakes, hedge trimmers, bike, backpack
Can’t make it and still want to help support the trail network? Consider a tax-deductible donation to support our efforts. All proceeds go toward trail work, tools and materials for the 44 network.
15-Mile, Cedar Creek and Underhill are now clear of downed trees!
So the list of cleared trails includes:
Dog River
Bottle Prairie
Super Connector
Cedar Creek
Lower Cooks Meadow (from 44 to 4410)
Surveyor’s Ridge Trail Temporarily Closed at the South End – June 15-27
Heads Up 44 Trails Users – Surveyor’s Ridge Trail #688 in Mount Hood National Forest will be temporarily closed to the public June 15-27 due to active construction for the City of The Dalles Dog River Pipeline Replacement Project.
Please stay safe and use an alternate trail.
What: Trail closed to public access.
Where: Old Surveyor’s Ridge Trail near the work area and Brooks Meadow Creek.
What to expect:
• Closure notices posted at either end of trail.
• Active construction work and equipment in the area.
44 Trails Conditions Update – June 1, 2023
More trails clear!
Knebal Springs trail #474
Bottle Prairie trail #455
8-Mile trail #496
Super Connector #449
Dog River Trail #675
Surveyor’s Ridge Trail #688 from Bald Butte to Cooks Meadow Trail #639 (But Cooks Meadow is still under snow beyond the intersection with Surveyor’s)
Dog River Trail #675 is clear. Thank you Fat Tire Farm crew!
Please note the Dog River Super-D is being run on Dog River Sunday, May 28.
Surveyor’s Ridge Trail #688 is clear from the Bald Butte saddle to the intersection of Cooks Meadow Trail #639. But Cooks Meadow is still under snow beyond the intersection with Surveyor’s. (see pic).
Continuing from Surveyor’s, Thunder Road and the Super Duper Connector are also clear and rideable. Expect trees and snow elsewhere on the system.
Oak Ridge trail #688A was logged out by USFS and is clear. 44T has removed more than 50 trees from Dog River Trail #675 and brushed more than three miles, but there is still about 1.5 miles with 15+ trees to clear in the middle section of the trail. A 44T and Fat Tire Farm crew will be working on the Dog River trail Monday 5/22, so it should be rideable soon.
Oregon Timber Trail Alliance has a trail day on east end the 15-Mile trail #456 this weekend 5/20-21.
The full 44T logout project begins on 5/22, and our rough estimate is two or three weeks to get through the main system including Knebal, Cooks, 8-Mile, High Prairie, etc. There are a lot of trees down this season. Please don’t plan your vacation based on this estimate. We’ll post updates as we get them, but recognize snow cover still limits access for clearing downed trees. We are at the mercy of the weather and snow melt to get things fully open.
44 Riders, the Dalles Watershed Pipeline Project is kicking into high gear. The construction activity means that the south end of the old Surveyor’s Ridge Trail is now closed through mid-November, which effectivley means for the season, ’cause snow in the high-country is on its way.
If you’re headed up that way, please avoid the work zone.
October 16 – Bottle Prairie Work Day
Our final work party of the season! We’re headed to Bottle Prairie trail 455. It’s in need of brushing. If we get some significant rain between now and October 16, we’ll prob add some tread work in, too. But for now, we’ll plan on opening up sight lines and brushing overgrown sections.
As usual, we’ll have lunches for everyone thanks to NY City Subs in Hood River
Sunday, October 16, 2022 – 9 AM
Little John SnoPark Hwy 35
Varied Trail work on Bottle Prairie – lopping, brushing, clearing, and if the weather allows, possibly some tread work.
REQUIRED: Long Pants, Work Boots, Gloves, Day Pack, Water, Bike Helmet
Bring Hand Tools: Loppers, hand saws, metal rakes, hedge trimmers
Bring your bike! Depending on turnout, we can send groups in on bike to spread out the work zone, and there should be plenty of time to ride after the work is done.
After three years of pandemic and fire closures, we’re getting crews back into the beautiful Boulder Lake area.
Work day plans will depend on number of volunteers and fire safety, but we’ll have options for driving in and hiking up the trails to work on pruning back the overgrowth or riding bikes (4 mles)i in from Bennet Pass Snow Park and clearing from the top down.
Sat, September 24, 2022 – 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Bennett Pass Trailhead/Sno Park
Varied Trail work on Boulder Lake Trail Network.
REQURED: Long Pants, Work Boots, Gloves, Water
Bring Hand Tools: Loppers, hand saws, metal rakes
Bring your MTB if you want to ride in, otherwise we’ll drive around.
Please sign up at EVENTBRITE