Our November 21 trail day is this weekend!
Help us establish the latest new connecting trail on the 44 Zone! The more we get accomplished this fall, the sooner we will be riding the trail!
Meet at 9am at the Little John SnoPark on Highway 35. The weather has made serious turn toward winter. We hope to work on tread development on the upper section of the Cooks extension but have a lower elevation plan if necessary.
As usual, please be prepared for the weather and remember helmets are required – bike helmets ok. Gloves, boots, etc are also part of the program.
We’ll probably work ’til about 2pm and will have sandwiches thanks to New York City Sub Shop in HR.
We’ll be doing light tread work, so tools like lat blade shovels, steel rakes and mcleods are most appropriate.
Want to know more about the trail?
check out the map
Saturday, November 21, 2015 – 9 am @ Little John SnoPark on Highway 35
Sign-in at the SnoPark and then move up to the work site as a group.
Early stage tread work and brushing of pin line on the Cooks Meadow Extension trail.
Wet weather work gear including a helmet – required – bike helmets ok, gloves, boots, etc. Bring a flat blade shovel, steel rake or a mcleod.
questions = 44trails (at) 44trails.org